
Welcome to RecipeBlog.info.

Our mission is to find the best recipes on the internet (and from other sources) and present them in a unique way on this site. We believe that a blog is the best way to present recipes since it allows for the recipes to be published easily as posts and then allows visitors to easily comment on the recipes using familiar blogging interface. All suggestions, feedbacks and improvements are then neatly organised by the blogging software under each recipe post. This enhances and enriches the recipe sharing experience both for authors and visitors.

We have also utilised the “teaser” function of blogger software to display “Quick Facts” about each recipe so that visitors can easily and quickly decide if a recipe is worth further investigation. We believe that this way of employing “teaser” functionality for recipes is rather unique and reduces visual clutter, thereby saving visitors the inconvenience of glancing at whole recipes unnecessarily. A typical example of recipe teaser would be as follows:

[Quick Facts]
Main Ingredients: Shrimps, parmesan cheese, bread crumbs, garlic, lemon
Time Required: 1 hour
Serves: 2

The above teaser allows the visitor to quickly see the main ingredients and time required to prepare the dish. Thus enabling the visitor to quickly get an idea of how much work, time and preparation will be involved. Armed with that information, the visitor can quickly decide if the recipe would suit their busy schedule or not.

When the visitor browses a category, some more information is displayed but not everything since the visitor is still at “browsing” stage, so browsing has to be informative yet effective. The whole recipe is displayed ONLY when the visitor clicks on the recipe heading (or clicks on “Read on” at front page).

We believe that this makes for a rather unique and effective recipe browsing experience.


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